2013 ACM-ICPC North American Qualification Contest

This page was last updated October 06, 2013 at 3:24 (UTC).

The second ACM-ICPC North American Qualification Contest was held on October 5th 2013. Many details are provided below.

Contest results

597 teams participated (submitted something), and 581 (97%) solved at least one problem. There were 7169 submissions during the 5 hours, or about one submission every 2.6 seconds, and an average of 12.1 submissions per submitting team.

Here is the distribution of the number of solutions per team. Keep in mind that the number of people on a team was not fixed.

# problems solved:1234567891011
# teams:16710581563931232015395

The most popular problems in terms of submissions (both correct and incorrect) were:

# Submissions:15201107881849797696609302224206118

And the most popular problems solved in terms of number of correct submissions were:

# Accepted Submissions:59037627121120515510410184695

Here are the problem statements and the Judge's test data.


Many thanks to all those who helped put on this contest:

Kattis accounts have been created and an email has been sent to each coach with account information. Emails were sent October 4th at 10:15 AM CDT. This email has a link to the problem statements (for printing purposes, if you wish to do so; the problems will be available online via Kattis during the contest). Please look for this email (check your spam folders) from hamerly@cs.ecs.baylor.edu.

Registration (closed)

You can register for the contest until September 30th 2013 (at 23:59 CST). There is one contest, with 12 "sites". The 12 sites correspond to the 11 regions of North America, plus one extra site for contestants who are not ICPC-eligible (e.g. high school students). Please register for the site that corresponds to your region. Here are direct links for each region (using these is likely the simplest route to registration):

You may register as many teams as you like, but please try to be realistic. Teams may have up to 10 members.

After registration is closed, due to the number of teams and the limited support it will be impossible to accommodate new registrations or changes to existing registrations. So please register early, make sure you are registered correctly and for the correct contest and site. Note that you should register for the contest called "North American Qualifier". There are other contests with the word "Qualifier" in the name, so be careful; and registering for your regional contest does not register you for this contest.

Once registration is closed, you will receive information on how to access the contest control system (Kattis) via email to the registered coach of each team.

Basic details

Contest scoring

This contest scoring system will be the same as the world finals. That is, the winner is the team solving the most problems. If two teams solve the same number of problems, then the team with the lowest time is the winner. If two teams have the same time the submission time of the last solved problem is used as a tie-breaker.

The time is the sum of the time of submission (in minutes) of the earliest correct submission for each solved problem, plus any penalty minutes for each incorrect submission of a problem prior to solving that problem. Penalties are 20 minutes for any of the following reasons:

Compile error does not incur a penalty; it is not considered a valid submission. Illegal Function does not incur a penalty, but any illegal function will be investigated and a team may be disqualified from the competition if the judges consider the program an attempt to exploit the contest system.

For more information on how Kattis scores problems, please see Kattis documentation.

For problem-writers

We are using the Kattis Problem Package format for developing problems. Here is a guide to developing problems for this format.

Primary contact: Greg Hamerly